Saturday 12 May 2012

CPD23 2012! Thing 1: Blogging

I’m taking part in the ’23 Things for Professional Development’ in 2012, basically as I started it when it ran last year, but due to various other commitments I only made it to Thing 5 (Reflective Practice).  This time I’m determined to make it to the end of the course!  I found the parts I did complete last year very useful and in some ways thought-provoking, which is why I have returned to it this year.

So, a little bit about me.  I graduated with a Master’s degree in ILS last year and am currently looking for my first professional post.  Since graduating, I have done some temporary work in an academic library and am currently volunteering in a small specialist library while I continue my job search.  I am hoping that participating in the CPD23 course will develop my skills and keep me motivated in these challenging times! 

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