Monday 21 May 2012

Thing 2: Explore other blogs

This was the ‘thing’ that I struggled with last time and it is still quite a challenge for me – commenting on other blogs. I still don’t feel quite comfortable commenting on the blogs of people I don’t know. Still, I’m going to try and work on it so hopefully my confidence will improve as the course progresses.

Once again, I am very impressed with the large number of participants, both across the globe and from a variety of backgrounds. Another aspect I find challenging is actually finding the time to actually read and comment on the blogs – there are just not enough hours in the day!

There were several blogs that I was particularly drawn to. Firstly, Suzanne’s cpd23 blog as I know her from my Master’s course – commenting on the blog of someone you know is far easier than on those of strangers (and will hopefully ease me in)! I am interested in the experiences of people abroad and one of the blogs I am intending to follow is Bibliotekarsha - Велобиблиотекари всех стран…. I am also interested in different fields of librarianship and am looking forward to finding out about music librarianship through CPD23 for a Music Librarian.

I should also add that I greatly enjoyed the post about Thing 2 by Cup of Tea & a Scone. It really captured my concerns about posting on blogs and being more open online and I hope I can follow her example and overcome some of these barriers.


  1. Hey Laura, sounds familiar - it is not easy with time and with commenting unknown bloggers. But well it's really great to do things what you normally wouldnt do yourself.
    На связи!

  2. Hi Laura,

    Thanks for posting on my blog, I thought I would return the favour!! I agree with you about commenting on other people's blog being quite daunting, but I'm hoping that now I've started it will get easier. I hope my blog will give you a bit of insight into the strange world of music librarianship! I also hope that I manage to keep up with all the tasks, I'm behind already!!
